Yuba County

Legal Advertising – Yuba County

Phone: (916) 483-2299
Fax: (916) 773-2999

Once you pay for your legal advertisement, scan your legal document and email it to Legals@mpg8.com You will receive an email receipt for your payment and a reply when your legal ad is received.

Your legal advertisement will appear in the Territorial Dispatch each Friday. The most current issue of each newspaper is posted on the newspaper website TerritorialDispatch.com by the end of business each Friday. You can check your legal ad by clicking on the Most Current Issue image on the home page of each website.

Territorial Dispatch is Adjudicated For and By the County of Yuba.
Adjudication No. YCSCCVPT 13-0001066 – February 5, 2014.

Fictitious Business Name 4 Weeks
Additional Names
B&PC 17913 $125.00
$10.00 addl
Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name 4 Times B&PC 17922 $125.00
Change of Name 4 Weeks
Additional Names
CCP 1277 $275.00
$10.00 addl
Notice of Application to Sell Alcoholic Beverages 1 Time
2 Times
3 Times
B&PC 23986 $100.00
Notice of Death & Petition to Administer Estate 3 Times PC 8120-8125 $450.00
Probate Personal Property Sale 3 Times PC 722 $295.00
Probate Petition to Lease 3 Times PC 840 $295.00
Probate Real Property Sale 3 Times PC 10300 $295.00
Will Contest Citation 4 Weeks PC 370 $295.00
Withdrawal of Partnership 4 Weeks B&PC 17923 $125.00
Dissolution of Partnership 1 Time Corp. C 15035.5 $125.00
Notice of Non-Responsibility Various (Minimum Charge) $125.00
Citation re: Adoptions 4 Weeks Civ C 221, 235 $295.00
Summons - Civil or Divorce 4 Weeks CCP 415.50 $450.00
Summons - Unlawful Detainer 4 Times CCP 1174 $295.00
Trustee Sale 3 Weeks CCP 2924f(b) $26/per col in
Lien Sale TBD $26/per col in
Bulk Transfer (Publication Only) 1 Time UCC 6101-7 $125.00
Notice of Default 4 Times CC 2924b(d) $375.00
Report of Condition 1 Time Fin. C 1935 $200.00
Insurance Synopsis 5 Times Ins. C 901 $350.00
Availability of Annual Return 1 Time IRC 6104(d) $125.00
Personal Property Sales 1 Week
2 Week
Various $26/per col in
Sheriff, Commissioner or Marshal's Sale 3 or 4 Times CCP 692, 726 $450.00
Copyright Long/Short Version $26/per col in

Open Rate: $26.00 per column inch per publication. Most notices of more than standard length are charged the open rate for the extra length per insertion.